Monday, 22 February 2016

Hey Hayfa Photoshoot : Asyari Photography

Assalamualaikum! I'm back again! So on Sunday, Hey Hayfa Team had an apparel photoshoot with Asyari Photography!

I utilized their photography services because not only they are my friends but the way they execute their tasks, show that it's their burning passion and not for money-wise.

I always love young talents/startups that begin from bottom because I too start from below, finding rezeki for a living by starting a jubah business.

And I always have this mindset that if we help each other in bringing up their business services, Allah will help us too. Rezeki ada di mana-mana sahaja. Rezeki it's not from humans but from Allah.Why should we be stingy/lokek in giving to others?

So, I get my good friend Kirin as a model as she has previous model experiences, which is a bonus point!

Asyari Photography Team consists of; A Husband & Wife. And do you know how old they are to be indulging in photography business? They are just 23 & 22 years old respectively! How young is that?!

And not forgetting their cute little daughter, Aisyah (#aisyahasyari) ! They dont always bring their daughter for shoots, but I thought 'hey I havent met Aisyah, so just bring her along la'. 

Aisyah is really such an easy and cooperative baby girl. When I carried, hugged,kissed & bullied (oops) her, SHE DIDNT CRY. I was flabbergasted as babies would usually cry if a stranger carries and what more, kisses? Hahaha. More reasons to bring Aisyah's out for Hey Hayfa upcoming photoshoots right?

Moving on to Asyari Photography, I was shocked that the wife, Shabrina, does know both Photography & Videography! It is sucha a plus point as nowadays muslimah are into female photographers, so Shab, I believe you can go far!

Asyari Photography has experience in shooting for graduation, wedding, product shoot for mainly hijabs, apparels and shoes. 

So if you are someone who's like me that supports young and local talent, be sure to contact Asyari Photography for their services! They are sucha awesome duo and nice individuals too! 

Instagram: @asyariphotography
Female Muslimah Photographer Instagram: @umm_aisyah

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