Thursday, 24 September 2015

Hutang | Debt

They are still people living in this world who owes you money and act as they did not owe you anything.

They are still some people who still have the audacity to ask for you some more money, even if they havent settled their last debt with you.

They are still people who Im still not sure, aint your bestfriend or your good friend, BUT have the cheek to ask from you money instead of their own girlfriends.

Dear Friends-Debtors, we are not your money printing friend. We dont own paper money factory just so you know. 

Jiwa seorang mukmin masih bergantung dengan hutangnya hingga dia melunasinya.” (HR. Tirmidzi no. 1078. Syaikh Al Albani mengatakan bahwa hadits ini shohih sebagaiman Shohih wa Dho’if Sunan At Tirmidzi
Al ‘Iroqiy mengatakan, “Urusannya masih menggantung, tidak ada hukuman baginya yaitu tidak bisa ditentukan apakah dia selamat ataukah binasa, sampai dilihat bahwa hutangnya tersebut lunas atau tidak.” (Tuhfatul Ahwadzi, 3/142) 

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