Sunday, 23 August 2015

Pangkor Laut Resort, This December?

I always love sceneries, beaches and calming environment. 

Got to know a place in Malaysia, Pangkor Laut Resort that exactly has got what I want.

I mean, there are more beautiful and alluring places like Langkawi, Pulau Redang or even Tioman Island, but I dunno why I would wanna try and visit Pangkor Laut Resort leh.

Here are some of the pictures that I googled. 

Of course, pictures above are courtesy of Google and Pangkor Laut Resort. 

I do not want to expect a nice view actually because pictures, lie. People can edit so professionally using high contrast, saturation and temperature control. This is what you get if you are living in high technology.

A meal that looks so sumptuous in the menu, and when presented to you, it's the opposite. I say no more because I think you guys will get it right? Haha.

Told my lil sister, Raudhah that if she passed her End of Year examinations, I will bring her to Pangkor. I showed her the images and she beamed in delight upon seeing the breathtaking scenes.

And just look what this little rascal whatsapped me. We are not even near December and you have yet to take your exams too. -.-

So, how family holiday to Pangkor Laut Resort? Hmm Insya'allah. 

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