Thursday, 10 April 2014

12 Rakaat Sunat

So today, I’m going to blog about the Sunnah prayers which is done before or after fardhu (obligatory) prayers.

The Sunnah prayers are also called “Solat Sunat Rawatib”. It consists of 2 types. One is “Qabliyyah” which is done before fardhu prayers and “Ba’diyyah” which is done after fardhu prayers.

And why is that we need to do these Sunnah prayers? Aren’t performing 5 fardhu prayers sufficient?
Some claimed to love Rasulullah s.a.w and do the things that weren’t from his sunnahs and teachings. Alas, doing it exaggerately. But when it comes from his sahih/authentic teachings and Sunnah, they avoid it. They even dispute and go on and on in discriminating us of our real authentic dalils/evidences. 

But hey, do you know what these Sunnah prayers have got for you?

Dari Aisyah r.a., Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Sesiapa yang sentiasa (berterusan) mengerjakan  solat (sunat) 12 rakaat, Allah SWT akan membina rumah baginya di syurga, iaitu; 4 rakaat sebelum solat Zuhur dan 2 rakaat selepas Zuhur, serta 2 rakaat sesudahMaghrib, 2 rakaat  selepas Isyak dan 2 rakaat lagi sebelum solat Subuh.” (Hadis riwayat Turmizi r.a.)

Insya’allah, a beautiful house in afterlife! 

But, it’s not that easy to be consistently performing the Sunnah prayers. Our job timing and tight working schedule might be some of the reasons we could not have performed it. But if one performs it every day without fail, Subhana’Allah, what a great reward would be for him! Performing Sunnah prayers is also one of the deeds that we can earn rewards for our afterlife. Wouldn’t one want extra rewards or more barakah while doing sincere ibadah?

All in all, fardhu prayers are more important than Sunnah prayers. If you think, you can’t perform sunnah prayers, then 5 daily fardhu prayers is more the sufficient.Insya'allah.

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