Friday, 26 July 2013

How to benefit in Ramadan even during Menses - Asma bint Shameem

Yup. I'm back again with another post related to ABC. Heh.

I came across beneficial information on FB by someone who crafted useful ways on what a woman could probably do when she's having menstruation.

And here it goes....

I see many sisters, who are ma sha' Allaah, very enthusiastic about their prayers, duas and Ibaadah during the month of Ramadhaan. But, come their time for menses, it's like someone turned their switch 'off'. They completely stop all forms of worship and think that their menses is a reason to take a 'vacation' from remembering Allaah....totally. They start spending their time shopping, watching TV or just doing other stuff, just because they are 'on it', although previously they were very eager to spend their time remembering Allaah.

And then, there are some of my sisters, who are genuinely very distraught and feel kind of deprived and sad and so helpless that they cannot pray or fast during these days.

Naturally, they stop praying and fasting, as per the orders of Allaah, but then, they also stop all other forms of worship and means of coming close to their Rabb.

This is so much so that even during the last ten nights of Ramadhaan, instead of searching for Laylatul Qadr, the night in which worship is better than a thousand months, although they feel bad about missing out, they sleep through it, just because they are having their menses, thinking there is nothing they can do.

And thus, they lose out on the countless blessings, tremendous goodness and precious moments of this beautiful month.

So what's a woman to do during this time? 

1. Submit to the decree of Allaah:
2. Reciting the Qur'aan:
3. Read the meanings and tafseer of the Qur'aan:
4. Listening to the Qur'aan:
5. Do a lot of Dhikr:
6. Make lots and lots of dua:
7. Do plenty of Istighfaar:
8. Send blessings upon the Prophet (sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam):
9. Thank Allaah:
10. Seek knowledge:
11. Give charity:
12. Do all kinds of good deeds

Conclusion: The bottom line, my dear sister, is that there is absolutely nothing preventing you from worshipping your Rabb and gaining tremendous rewards during the month of Ramadhaan or even at other times. Your menses is NOT a hindrance in your path to Jannah. All that is needed is your effort, the right good intentions and sincerity on your part. Just leave the rest to Allaah

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