Thursday, 4 July 2013

5 Powerful Ways of a Strong Iman

My friend sent me this resource which I thought it was quite beneficial to be shared.

Adapted from: Maestrouzy

Iman (faith) is a priceless gift from Almighty Allah. He has given it to each and every person who acknowledged him as the only one worthy of being worshiped. And it is up to us to safeguard that gift and keep it strong until we return to Allah.

Qur’an says: “Say not that you have iman, rather say that you are Muslim, for iman has not yet entered your hearts.” (49:14)

The objective of this article is to discuss some basic steps to keep your Iman strong. If you follow these instructions from top to bottom, Insha Allah you will notice a remarkable growth in your Iman.

1. Remember that Allah is always available.

There are times that you don’t feel the presence of Allah, and you think you are lonely and you have no one to let know about your struggles, but never forget that Allah is always with you; even when you feel sad or glad, He is there for you. True Iman is developed when you realize that Allah is always available.

“We are nearer to him than (his) jugular vein”. (Sura 50:16)

2. Daily relationship with Allah.

Having a relationship with Allah on a daily basis is a great privilege. It’s a vital part of your spiritual life. Hence, to maintain a strong Iman you have to be in a continuous relationship with Him by spending more time in prayer and reading the Quran. Remember! Allah wants a real relationship with you, so try to spend more time with him and always be thankful for His blessings.

3. Keep in touch with a Spiritual guide.

We can understand this from our daily experiences. For example; if you want to become proficient at a particular skill, you naturally seek an experienced person to guide you. If relying upon an experienced person is necessary for these simple achievements in this world, how much more crucial it is for a strong and a firm Iman which will help us to attain success in the both worlds.

4. Get involved yourself in Islamic gatherings.

Try to attend Islamic gatherings on a daily basis. This great way to preserve a strong Iman, because if you feel like your Iman is becoming weak and it hasn’t been as strong as it used to be, there will always be someone who will offer his support to work through your struggle.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said this regarding Islamic  gatherings: “Whenever a group of people gather and remember Allah and talk about him, then they separate, It will be said to them “ Allah has forgiven your sins and replaced your bad deeds with good ones.”

5. Calling people towards Allah.

One of the most efficient ways for a strong Iman is to call people towards Allah (Da’wah). It is said that the Iman of the prophets were always on the rise because they dedicated their whole life towards Da’wah. Da’wah is an essential part of Islam, and you don’t have to wait for your Iman to be strong enough to call people towards Allah, because Da’wah itself will make your Iman Strong.

 Prayer for a strong Iman: 

“Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate now after you have guided us, but grant us mercy: for you are the grantor of bounties without measure” (Ala Imran, verse-8)

Do you know any other ways that would help to keep your Iman strong? Share your comments below; so that it might encourage some other Muslim, and feel free to share this article with your friends.

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